Halotherapy comes from the Greek „halos” or salt. This word therefore means therapy using salt.
Halotherapy had its origins in Poland Mine. Mine spa treatment was practiced since 1826, when the treatment was started there by salt baths. Beneficial effect on the environment Wieliczka first drew attention to the practicing physician Feliks Boczkowski mine, who after many years of observations of the miners came to the conclusion that they rarely have respiratory diseases. The book „The Mine of history in terms of natural history and bath” published in 1843, wrote: „Powietrze albowiem w kopalni, solną parą i pyłem solnym nasycone, widocznie na płuca słabe i schorzałe dobroczynny wpływ wywiera. Podobnie cierpiące osoby pomimo utrudzenia długiem po schodach chodzeniem, ożeźwionemi się na dole poczuwają. Górnicy pomimo ciężkiej pracy z słabemi i uszkodzonemi płucami niekiedy późnych lat dochodzą.”
In 1837, Feliks Boczkowski created in Mine bathing facility where treated rheumatism and asthma. Overall, in the period 1826-1846 with treatment Mine benefited approximately 3,000 patients. In 1846 the baths was destroyed, and the initiator of 5 died nine years later (1855) the epidemic cholery.6 In 1914 it was re-attempts to build the spa facilities, but this was thwarted by the outbreak of the First World War. Continuator the action of dr Boczkowski was Professor Mieczyslaw Skulimowski that in the years 1958-1962 has initiated a systematic treatment of bronchial asthma in mine, 7 and in 1964 created the „sanatorium for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the respiratory tract” 8 In 1966 he received the legal status of the sanatorium became a branch of Spa Krynica-Żegiestów and give the name of Allergology Sanatorium „Kinga” in Wieliczka.
Treatment initiated salt in Wieliczka years ago gave rise to two main forms of halotherapy, which include bathing and inhalation.